Sport Facilities XXI Century

Historia Techramps Modular

The story of the development of extreme sports in Poland is not only about amazing riders, but also about the development of sports infrastructure that allows the development of their skills and their busyness. Story of the brand Techramps Modular, which from humble and beginnings with Kondor Wheels skateboard wheels, has become a guide in the construction of professional skateparks in Poland and abroad. This story shows how passion, determination and vision can turn into something great!


Author: Asia Gęborska


It all started in 2001...

.....kiedy is a young extreme sports enthusiast - Piotr Nowak, decided to get involved in the world of skateboarding, rollerblading and BMX tricks. At the beginning of his skateboarding adventure, he was involved in the production of wheels called "Kondor Wheels." However, his passion for this type of sport began to grow, and with it came the idea to build his first funbox for shows and extreme events.


History comes full circle...

After the first successful attempts to organize local extreme events around Krakow, our founder was noticed by the event agency Studio2, which became interested in his talent in organizing and building skateparks. With this, more opportunities presented themselves, and the vision of developing this passion became more and more real.


Yo, make us such a skatepark!

The first major project of Piotr and his team was the organization of a skateboard event in Zabierzów, near Krakow. The event featured a skateboarding crew from Tarnów, at the same time also the President of the city. The team's fascination and the President's interest led to discussions about a professional skatepark for Tarnów. It was the President who explained to our founder how public procurement works, which opened up new possibilities.


This is what our first skatepark looked like! Tarnów, 2003


Heading to Tarnów

A few weeks later, he boldly entered a tender for the construction of a skatepark for the Tarnów City Hall. Success in the tender was a huge step in the company's development. Thus the first professional skatepark was built, and the Techramps brand began to gain popularity.



We are moving on!

Subsequent projects, cooperation with cities and event agencies, and growing experience allowed Techramps to gain the trust of customers. Over time, it has become a pioneer and expert in the design and construction of modular skateparks in Poland and abroad.


Pool Forum - we were involved in the creation of this iconic skate miesjca on the map of Krakow in 2008.


Our realizations can be seen in Pyszusze, where Woodcamp takes place.


The first skatepark Techramps created in 2008 abroad is in Ukraine.

We are going further!
Subsequent projects, cooperation with cities and event agencies, and growing experience allowed Techramps to gain the trust of customers. Over time, it has become a pioneer and expert in the design and construction of modular skateparks in Poland and abroad.

We are for riders

As the company grew, there was a need to innovate and improve designs. Technological changes allowed the use of advanced 3D design software, which, combined with CNC machines, greatly improved the process of building skateparks. Techramps has gained a reputation for focusing on quality, creativity and attention to the needs of skatepark users.



Busy all over Poland and the world!
In a few years, Techramps has evolved from a one-man operation into a company of a tight-knit team that undertakes the design and construction of a variety of skateparks across the country and abroad. Their passion and commitment to the development of extreme sports has made the Techramps brand one of the leading players in the Polish skatepark market and is considered an expert in this field.


Our skatepark in Santiago, Chille (2023)


Acropolis Skatepark in Athens (2023)


New technologies, new challenges!

The new polyethylene technology used in the production of modular skateparks, which we introduced in 2023, will significantly improve resistance to weather conditions such as rain, moisture and UV radiation. Polyethylene will affect the lifespan of the entire skatepark structure, so it will serve users for many years. The use of light-colored materials both in the structure and on the running surface avoids overheating of the equipment during the summer, when the facilities are most popular with users. We have ushered modular skateparks into a new era that we are very excited about and can't wait to see what the future holds!


Skatepark carved with polyethylene technology in Czechowice-Dziedzice.


We are making urban sports history

Thanks to hard work, dedication and love for extreme sports, the Techramps brand has become an integral part of the history of skateboarding, rollerblading and BMX in Poland and has contributed to the development of this fascinating sports community!



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